“Everyone should be able to experience L.A.’s cultural landmarks. Hollyhock House is a remarkable piece of architecture and [AVA Inclusivity’s solution] will allow people with disabilities and the elderly to explore a location with deep history in our city.” – Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles
“To create a tool that would make a 1921 Frank Lloyd Wright house accessible to all was a challenge beyond mere high resolution photography. Taking that photography and crafting it into an aesthetically pleasing and technologically useful tool is what AVA Inclusivity did for Hollyhock House. The pleasant equanimity with which Gregg and Astrid met scores of challenging issues and the consummate research conducted to make the VAE a success for our disabled visitors, is unequaled in my experience.” – Jeffrey Herr, Curator of Hollyhock House
“The team at AVA do their homework. They understand that stock technology and real estate tours just aren’t going to cut it for people with disabilities.” – Stuart James, Executive Director, The Center for Independent Living [The CIL], Berkeley, California
“AVA Inclusivity have a real unique awareness and understanding of the needs of their clients and the needs of the community being served by their clients” – Dan Wilkins, Director of Special Projects, The Ability Center